Thursday 22 February 2007

Quit Smoking

Many people begin to quit smoking by setting a date on which to stop. Tell your friends, family and co-workers that you are giving up and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes lying around. It is also helpful to change your environment by getting rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car and place of work.
If you have tried to stop smoking before, review your past attempts to quit. Think about what worked and what didn't. As far as possible, don't allow people around you to smoke, for example in your car or your home.
Most relapses occur within the first three months after quitting. Don't be discouraged if you start smoking again. Most people try several times before they finally succeed in breaking the habit. Here are some difficult situations to watch for:

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol lowers your chances of success, particularly if you have been accustomed to smoking while you drink.

Other smokers: Being around other smokers can make you want to start again. Once you have stopped, make up your mind not to smoke again - not even a puff.

Weight gain: Smoking suppresses appetite, so many former smokers put on weight when they quit. Eat a healthy diet and stay active. Don't let a small amount of weight gain distract you from your main goal - which is to give up smoking.

Bad mood or depression: There are plenty of ways to improve your mood other than smoking.

Studies have shown that you have a better chance of successfully quitting smoking if you have help. Get individual, group, or telephone counselling to help you quit. The more support you have, the better your chances of succeeding. Programs are given at local doctors' surgeries and health centres.

My success lies with self belief, there are products available to give you that self belief if you don’t already have it. These also prevent extra weight gain.

I started this blog for two reasons, firstly to give myself something to do with my hands and my mind and secondly to encourage any one else who wants to quit smoking, to say that it can be done, even by the weakest willed among us.
This Quit Smoking Right Now program works very quickly and does not use any patches/pills/gums or the like. It is also fully guaranteed. If you would like to have a look at this program Click Here

Since I have quit smoking using this program I have had two other similar programs recommended to me, the Easy Quit Stop Smoking System and Fresh Start The one hour online stop smoking system. Both of these programs are similar to the Quit Smoking Right Now system as neither of them use any substitutes for smoking and are both fully guaranteed. If you would like to have a look at these programs for the Easy Quit Stop Smoking System Click Here or the Fresh Start System Click Here

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